To get what we want in life we have to know what it is, yes?
That’s the easy part—it only seems difficult sometimes if we feel
guilty about wanting what we want or scared of what others might think.
Once you get over stuff like that, knowing what you want isn’t that
Among the many things we all want in life, more money tends to be in
the Top 5. Money makes life a little easier, at least financially. You
can do more things with more money. That leads to another connected want
on most everyone’s list—greater happiness, which includes less stress
about financial security, more personal time, more freedom, greater joy.
These are things that lots of people say they want, but most people
aren’t financially secure and barely get by while working jobs. This job
might be “more money” than they were making before, but is that the
road to financial freedom or simply retirement, and how long will it
take to get there playing the money game like we were taught?
And is that a joyful way to live?
That second key to getting what we want in life is the “Why”: why do
you want what you say you want? Does it really mean something to you? Is
that someone else’s imposed thoughts echoing in your head or your own,
from your spirit?
I always wanted to be free. I love doing what I do, but the
worst thing I could think of is being forced to do this. I wouldn’t love
it anymore. People just don’t like to be forced to do things. You want
to do it from choice.
That choice has to be backed by reasons that are honest, true and
excite you to your core, like a kid who can’t stop jumping up and down
and clapping in anticipation of pure joy.
In my experience working with thousands of people, more than 50% of
the people that do this one simple action doubled, tripled or even
quadrupled their income within a year:
Write down want you want. It must be clear and it must be absolutely
important to you. Write at least five reasons why you want what you
want, especially in terms of wanting more money. Put that sheet of paper
on a wall you can’t avoid.
You want to see miracles in action? You’re not sure Spirit
exists? Think the Universe is trying to support you if you would just
get out of the frickin’ way? Do this!
It’s unbelievable, but you have to do your part, and it starts with
putting it right up there front and center in your consciousness.