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To generate more traffic
What is Twitter?
Lets start with a definition from Wikipedia.
“Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.”
Now a bit of a disclaimer here. There are hundreds of manuals about Twitter and how best to use it and no one agrees on what is best. Here I am looking only at how you can use this to improve and leverage your blogging efforts.
Twitter can be used for much more than that but that is not our topic here.
So we have the Wikipedia definition and here is my take on it and what a Blogger needs to know and use.
Twitter is a micro blog platform. You are limited to 140 characters per post. This forces you to be concise and keep each tweet (Twitter post) to just one topic.
The key to effectively using Twitter is to understand that it is a conversation between people. It is about sharing information. It is not a sales platform although some will disagree with that. I am not saying that you can't use it to sell but you need to do it the right way.
If all you are planning to use Twitter just as a platform to send out your links forget it now. Just like a blog you need to supply valuable information and build your reputation as a valuable resource.
Do that and when you occasionally recommend something people will be interested. Just send links and very few will continue to follow you.
It works like any type of networking. It is most valuable when you are sorting information about your niche for others. Just like a blog if you find valuable resources from others and let people know about what is valuable to your readers on your blog or followers on Twitter.
Just like off line networking you don’t go to the local Chamber meeting and introduce your business. You talk to people there and ask about theirs. Have an idea that can help them - share it. Do that and you develop relationships that will help your business not because you pitched your business but because you became a valuable resource that others will recommend.
Twitter works the same way.
Twitter can also be very powerful in keeping in touch with what is new in your marketplace. Some of the tools can allow you to follow any topic easily.
Twitter Tools For Your Blog
Today I will discuss some of the tools I have found to improve your use of Twitter in relation to your blog and a couple that have been helpful for using Twitter.
First to integrate your Twitter feed on to your blog there are a couple items you can use. Tweet My Blog will allow you to easily add your latest tweets to your sidebar. It will also send your latest blog post out as a tweet to your Twitter account automatically.
A similar plugin with a few more features is Twitter Tools,. This will also allow you to use your tweets as blog posts. Either of these will allow you to automate the process and send tweets when you update your blog along with showing your tweets on your blog.
There is another tool that will allow you to auto post your blog posts to Twitter called Twitter Feed which will monitor your blog’s RSS feed and post to Twitter when it finds new information on a regularly scheduled basis. It also works with other services like This service allows you to post at one pl;ace and have it update Twitter along with your other social sites like Facebook, Friend Feed, et al.
There are a couple tools that will help you monitor and stay active with Twitter. The two that I have tried are Twhirl and TweetDeck.
Tweet Deck is much more powerful and allows you to search, set up groups and more. Again a reminder this is not a report about using Twitter and these various tools others have covered those extensively but how you can use Twitter to enhance your blogging efforts.
Another plugin that allows you to add a place in your comments for people to leave their Twitter username called WP Twitip ID. This way you can find the people who are commenting on your blog and be able to strengthen the relationship through Twitter conversations too.
It also allows your readers to connect with those leaving valuable comments which is a true win – win and another way for others to want to contribute to the conversation there.
Another tool that I have added to my blogs is Twitter This. Anyone reading my blog can submit there Twitter ID and password and it will automatically tweet to their account about your post with a link back to that post. Think this may help you get more readers?
Using Twitter For Research
Twitter can also be a great research tool. You can use the search at to find the latest tweets on any topic you wish.
This can be a great way to keep track of new things happening on any topic. Each search has a feed that you can add to your favorite feed reader and automatically see all the new things happening on Twitter for that topic.
Lets say I wanted to know what is said about me. I could go to Twitter Search and get all of the latest tweets directly into my Google reader by just searching Mike Paetzold, then clicking the feed link.
Click where it says feed for this query. Then you can grab the url and add it to your feed reader.
You should be following your name, any product names you have to keep track of what is being said. Yes if someone replies using @mikepaetzold it will show on my Twitter time line but if someone just uses my name Mike Paetzold in a tweet it won’t show up unless I am following them.
Always nice to know when someone is saying something good and even more important to know if it is bad.
Now lets apply this tool to blogging. Isn’t one of the hardest things to come up with topics that are of interest to your audience. You can get ideas and questions just from following the latest tweets on your topic.
Writers block usually disappears for me once I have a topic and this can be a great way to generate those ideas.
Tweet Later is another tool that will allow you to monitor your keywords but it will email you the results on a schedule that you set. The easiest way to describe it is as Google Alerts for Twitter. (By the way Google Alerts is something else you should be using.)
Now Tweet Later can do a lot more like auto following, allow you to schedule tweets for when you are away and send automatic welcome message for new followers too. But our topic is research and knowing what is happening in your niche makes staying current easier.
Depending on how you like information delivered either of these tools can be very helpful for keeping abreast of what is new on Twitter for your topic.
You can use these for...
● Topics you blog about
● Products you own
● Your own name and business name
● Anything else you may need or want to track including your competition
Some final tools and comments
The final tool that I have found is called Mr. Tweet. Follow Mr Tweet and you will receive recommendations of people you should be following and he will recommend you to others. This allows you to expand your sphere of influence from their recommendations.
It will save you time although you could and should be finding those worthwhile people if you are using Twitter for research and following them as you find them.
Integrate your Twitter into your other social networking by adding it to Facebook, My Blog Log, Friend Feed and any other places that allow it. That is the real leverage as like your RSS feed for your blog it allows you to be updating things at multiple sites with each tweet. Some of those can also be updating Twitter too.
It is very powerful as you may have different friends or followers at these sites than you do on Twitter and adding them allows each group to get the same information and also adds to your frequency of updating each of these sites.
A caveat for getting the most out of Twitter with your blog. Participate in ways other than just automating your blog posts. See a good tweet with information that would benefit your followers retweet it. Respond and have conversations with others there. It is called networking for a reason.
Just like your blog you are building a community or “tribe” as Seth Godin calls it on Twitter. People who look to you to deliver information they want and rely on as a credible resource.
Resources mentioned in this report
WordPress Plugins
Tweet My Blog
Twitter This
WP Twit IpID
Twitter Tools
Other Tools
Tweet Deck
Mr Tweet
Twitter Search
About the author
Mike Paetzold is an avid blogger and Twitter user who has been supplying training on using blogging and WordPress as part of your marketing strategy since 2004. Originally started blogging on the old P-machine platform and switched to WordPress as it became available and stable.
He has numerous products and services to allow you to easily blog effectively including WordPress Made Easy and 15 Minute Blog Traffic.
You can find his latest postings on his WordPress Made Easy blog or follow him on Twitter.
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