The Link Between Money and Self Worth

In a recent study released in the “Journal of Economic Psychology,” it was observed that there is a link between poor self esteem in adolescence and low salary in adulthood. This is only one of the ways that money and self worth are related. Notice, however, that some individuals with money do not ooze high self esteem; maybe, the reason for this is that there are ways to obtain money without the need for a healthy dose of self worth and most of them ultimately will earn you think less of yourself. Even so, we all want to have a positive sense of self worth and the money to live our lives comfortably.

Do other people’s ideas about you feel more important to you than yours? This should not be the case. Viewpoints are not always based on fact especially if they come from someone else. You must make a sincere self-evaluation. Self esteem is aninside force, and so you need something internal to develop it. Take a stock of your good and bad points so you will know how to maximize the former and overcome the latter.

The secrets of having self worth and money are financial self-sufficiency and having the right perspective about yourself.

The following are some of the ways you can make these work for you:
Self knowledge and self perception

Being in charge of your life.
Events do not define you. It’s your  definition of yourself that will become a factor when you react to events. How do you react to unexpected crises that are beyond your control? For example, is your life over if you lose your job as a result of downsizing? No, of course not, but your financial position will go downhill if you don’t look for a job or find a way to earn income honestly.  Financial autonomy gives you a sense of direction and control over what happens in your life.

Money in itself does not increase your self esteem. Pride in being able to look after yourself can do this. In a similar manner, self worth does not instantly result in net worth, but still, self esteem can inspire you to action, which in turn will make you financially autonomous. People with high self esteem do not try to acquire money for its own sake but money is the prize for their conscientiousness and using their skills. Because of this it is not wise to easily discount the money and self esteem connection. If you don’t appreciate the factors that link them, you could end up having neither of them.

All the best, Henk

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