If you’re already in business—and new to online business—it means integrating your existing customers into your online marketing efforts.
For every single person that comes through your door, when they come to the cash register to pay—whether it be by check, Visa, or cash—you get their first and last name, and email address. Every single time! If they object, you kindly remind them that preferred customers get great discounts.
The reason for this is very simple: if you have their email address, you now have the potential to contact them for free from now on! You don’t have to physically mail anything except your actual products. Brochures used to mean at least a buck per piece by the time you add the cost of producing them or a sales person to call them up.
By email it’s free!
This is a perfect example of how you raise your profits instantaneously by using this one simple technology that’s been around for almost decades. If you collect the first name, last name, email address, it allows you the ability to personalize every single email that goes out to all of your customers. You just put first name, last name, email address, date they came in, what they bought; one line for every customer. That’s all you have to do.
You’ve just built a database. You can take anything separated by commas and import into any program. People perceive this to be very difficult, but when you break it down it’s super easy.
It doesn’t seem like much when we’re talking about one email to one person. But what about sending to 500 people; mail merges by the date they came in, whatever they did, how much they spent? Within three minutes 500 customers get an announcement of a special offer for them. Do you think that within 24 hours you’ll notice an uptick in clicks, calls, or feet through the door? Of course!
It’s the simplicity of email. It’s faster than Federal Express. It’s faster than fax. You press a button, it’s there. And you can personalize it just for them.
Do you think you’re going to email something to 100,000 people or 500,000 people and you’re not going to make something extra in profit? We can send personalized emails to hundreds of thousands of people every single month and generate a lot of money from that.
Mind you, it can take a couple of years to create that kind of list, but so what? Two-years well spent to begin making $100,000 per month, yes? Think about it. If you send out an email to that list of $100,000, you’ll make a minimum of $100,000 from mailing that list just once! If we do that every month, you do the math. It’s a pretty powerful asset to have.
Just start with something. You don’t have to go high-tech. You don’t have to have automatic everything. Just get online and start marketing, start learning, and start experiencing, because if you don’t, your competitor is going to!
Stay simple. Stay clean. Get the job done. Your job is to be online, to be in business; get the customer to give you their information and buy from you. Whatever your goal is, get that job done online.
All My Best Henk Matthee
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