If you have a home based business you probably already know that one of the biggest challenges is paying to expose your business every single month. So many people are forced to give up on their business because they just don't have the money to invest. There are plenty of really great free ways to market your business. So if you don't have hundreds of dollars to spend every month on marketing give these three tips a try. I know you can have success with them.
Based Business Marketing Tip #1 - Talk To Your Friends And Family
Talking to your close friends and family
about your new (or old) business is about as free as it gets. A lot of people
are hesitant to talk to the people closest to them. There are a large number of
people who make $100,000 a year, or more, who work from home that are
successful, at least in part, by signing up a close friend or family member.
Starting a conversation, or showing a DVD costs you nothing and that's why it's
number one on this list. It's also something you can do today!
Based Business Marketing Tip #2 - Article Marketing
Online article marketing is one of the
oldest and most effective ways to market your home business for free. Simply
write an article like this one that contains useful information for other home
based business owners or potential prospects. Then all you have to do is
publish your articles on free online article directories. This is a great way
to get more people to look at your website or blog and of course, it's 100%
Based Business Marketing Tip #3 - Video Marketing
Right now we live in a world where video is
king. Why would we bother reading a book or a magazine article when we can have
the information spoon fed to us with online video? Websites like YouTube and
Revver are free to use and you don't need a ton of fancy equipment. A regular
camcorder or even a good quality cell phone is all you need to start posting
video online.
I can show you many more free and effective
ways to market your home based business. Marketing your home based business
doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg, and when you market your business
for free it's a lot easier to turn a profit every month.
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