Win The Race To Financial Freedom!!

Take care Henk Matthee

3 Ways to Supercharge Fan Engagement on Facebook

For most business owners, their biggest Facebook challenge is keeping fans consistently engaged. Whether you have 135 or 13,500 likes, the only way to really profit from a business page is to motivate fans to click, share and, eventually, act by buying a product or signing up for an event.

Unfortunately, persistently low engagement is a catch-22. 
Your brand page’s EdgeRank score — Facebook’s algorithm for determining how content is featured in the News Feed — is determined largely by user interactions. If your EdgeRank drops, your updates can languish, meaning users won’t see them and may not interact with your page. That will result in an even lower EdgeRank.

But when applied consistently, these three strategies can turn the tide and increase fans’ interaction with your Facebook page:

1. Market content with images.

The rise of the social networking site Pinterest underscores how much people love images and, more importantly, love sharing them. Visual marketing is about creating what I call relevant viral content — content your core audience can’t resist sharing. They’re the people who are most likely to buy from you, so focus on catering to their interests with relevant and appealing images and strong calls to action.

Here are a few techniques to try:

Showcase key industry influencers. 
There’s something irresistible about quotes. I recently posted a bright yellow image of Seth Godin with a quote that got more than 100 shares the first day on Facebook. This isn’t about selling. It’s about crafting a message fans care about. As a bonus, it can show the big players in your field that you’re listening.

Highlight your expertise. 
After a live chat on her Facebook Page, international speaker Carren Smith posted an image containing one of her inspirational quotes and this call to action: “Please share this message with someone who needs to hear it.”

Tell a story or share news. 
Every time you decide to post something on Facebook — a brand update, an upcoming event, etc. — ask yourself, “Can I tell this story in a picture?” For example, show a happy user explaining how your product led to a success or memorable moment, instead of another routine product shot.

Ramp up lead generation. 
Create a series of visual images relating to a new marketing campaign or product launch. Just remember to include the destination link to drive traffic to your campaign. Below is an example of an image I created for free workshop I promoted.

Have fun. 
Most people aren’t on Facebook for business. They just want to have fun. So, be playful, just as Los Angeles-based pet photography business Little Friends Photo did with a “fill in the blank” photo that received 314 likes and 113 shares:

2. Ask better questions on Your Facebook Page.

If you pose questions on your Facebook Page and get only silence, you might be asking the wrong ones. Before posting a question, put yourself in your fans’ shoes: “Would I really take the time to answer this?”

Here are a few effective question types with some real examples:

Yes/no: These questions often get the most responses because they take just seconds to answer.

Feedback: “I need a cover designed for my next book. Think I should run a design contest on Facebook? If I get 25 YES responses, I’ll announce details next week.” Bonus: Your audience is involved in the outcome, which means they’ll care more about the product.

Emotional/provocative: “Who here feels like they’re fulfilling their LIFE’s PURPOSE right now, and how do you know?” Provocative questions work best when you know the topics and themes most likely to ignite a reaction from your audience.

Value add: “I just finished my new e-book and I’ll release it next week. Who wants a free copy of chapter 1? Say YES and hit ‘like’!” Bonus: This is a great way to get momentum before a product launch.

Fun and fast: “Quick: ‘Hunger Games’ or ‘Avengers’?” It’s nice to mix in entertaining questions, especially if you can later use the answers as new content.

3. Use video teasers.

Video can quickly establish rapport and, on Facebook, that goes a long way. Just remember to keep the videos short — one to three minutes at most.

Here are a few approaches to consider:

Ask a question. Use the tips above to create a short video instead of a status update, and solicit responses in the comments.

Offer a quick tip. Outline one tip you’ve covered in a blog post and ask users to go to a custom URL (within a Facebook app such as Lujure) for the full post.

Make a short video about an upcoming event. It could be a webinar, book launch or other live event. Drive viewers to a sign-up link within Facebook.

Share a funny story. If you’re a great storyteller, show it.

If engagement is your goal, always ask yourself, “What’s in it for my fans?” If you can provide value week after week, your fans will be more likely go the distance — and the results will speak for themselves.

This article was first posted on

Regards Henk

TwitterLink Comments

TwitterLink Comments

Get the Plugin here

This plugin will add an extra field to your comment form so a user can add their Twitter username. A user configured 'follow me' link is then displayed along with their details on all their comments.

The extra field and 'follow me' link can be configured using the settings page without ever needing to modify any template files. (unless you want to)

The blog owner has full control over the classes, HTML, link and message by using the settings page. (All options are passed through KSES using only basic HTML tags for secruity on Mu installs)

I hope It helps

Henk Matthee

Building an Online Database

If you’re already in business—and new to online business—it means integrating your existing customers into your online marketing efforts.

For every single person that comes through your door, when they come to the cash register to pay—whether it be by check, Visa, or cash—you get their first and last name, and email address. Every single time! If they object, you kindly remind them that preferred customers get great discounts.

The reason for this is very simple: if you have their email address, you now have the potential to contact them for free from now on! You don’t have to physically mail anything except your actual products. Brochures used to mean at least a buck per piece by the time you add the cost of producing them or a sales person to call them up.

By email it’s free!
This is a perfect example of how you raise your profits instantaneously by using this one simple technology that’s been around for almost decades. If you collect the first name, last name, email address, it allows you the ability to personalize every single email that goes out to all of your customers. You just put first name, last name, email address, date they came in, what they bought; one line for every customer. That’s all you have to do.

You’ve just built a database. You can take anything separated by commas and import into any program. People perceive this to be very difficult, but when you break it down it’s super easy.
It doesn’t seem like much when we’re talking about one email to one person. But what about sending to 500 people; mail merges by the date they came in, whatever they did, how much they spent? Within three minutes 500 customers get an announcement of a special offer for them. Do you think that within 24 hours you’ll notice an uptick in clicks, calls, or feet through the door? Of course!

It’s the simplicity of email. It’s faster than Federal Express. It’s faster than fax. You press a button, it’s there. And you can personalize it just for them.
Do you think you’re going to email something to 100,000 people or 500,000 people and you’re not going to make something extra in profit? We can send personalized emails to hundreds of thousands of people every single month and generate a lot of money from that.

Mind you, it can take a couple of years to create that kind of list, but so what? Two-years well spent to begin making $100,000 per month, yes? Think about it. If you send out an email to that list of $100,000, you’ll make a minimum of $100,000 from mailing that list just once! If we do that every month, you do the math. It’s a pretty powerful asset to have.

Just start with something. You don’t have to go high-tech. You don’t have to have automatic everything. Just get online and start marketing, start learning, and start experiencing, because if you don’t, your competitor is going to!

Stay simple. Stay clean. Get the job done. Your job is to be online, to be in business; get the customer to give you their information and buy from you. Whatever your goal is, get that job done online.

All My Best Henk Matthee

Internet Marketing Goes Mobile: Are You Ready? [TIPS]

According to the mobiThinking compendium of mobile statistics and research, today, approximately 87% of the world's adult population has a mobile device, such as a cell phone, smart phone, or tablet computer.

Of that number, approximately 53% use their mobile device to make online purchases, and in the next few years, those numbers are going to drastically climb.
Is your online business ready to go mobile? If so, here are 3 things that you need to do right now.

1. Make a mobile version of your website

You do not need any special skills to do this. In fact, there are services that will covert your existing website for you, as well as those who will develop new mobile websites for you.

The potential visitor types in your URL just as they normally would, or they find you through a search engine on their mobile device. The second they arrive, a script on your server detects that they're using a mobile device and quickly redirects them to your mobile website.

You don't need a new domain name for this, as the old domain will work just fine.

2. Get a QR Code

A Quick Response barcode can be used to take mobile device users directly to your website, or any other website that you wish to direct them to. The key is to send them to a website that is designed for mobile users.

All the mobile user has to do is take a picture of the QR code with their device.

QR codes can be printed on business cards, flyers, in newspapers, and other print material. You can even use them on your webpages that are designed for laptops and desktops, and in emails.

3. Build an opt-in text messaging list

The money is still in the list, but the list is now mobile.

You can easily build an opt-in text messaging list by using the same methods that you use to build a traditional opt-in list. You just have to do it in a mobile fashion.

Have people text a code to a certain number - your number - in exchange for something free, such as a coupon, a newsletter, or an ebook.

Just make sure that the free item is useful for their mobile device. There are now services that will maintain your text messaging lists for you, just as there are services that help you to maintain your opt-in email list.

Don't Miss the Boat

Like it or not, the internet is going mobile, and if you hope to survive it from a business standpoint, you need to move right along with it.

By following the above three steps, you'll find that you're not only keeping up with consumer demands, but you may just see an increase in visitors and sales as well.

Best regards Henk Matthee

9 Classic Headline Templates That Consistently Get More Clicks

9 Classic Headline Templates That Consistently Get More Clicks 
Quick, what’s the point of a headline?
Is it…

A.) Get people to click?

B.) Make a promise to the content?

C.) Pique curiosity?

D.) All of the Above?

Obviously, the answer is D. But the question is, how do we get a headline to do all of that?
Well, the short answer is practice, and research.
But if you’re looking for a shortcut, I’ll let you in on a little secret…

The most effective headlines are rehashed versions of classic newspaper and magazine advertisements from the early days of copywriting.

In other words, a good majority of the most trafficked, most ReTweeted, most shared articles, are using headline templates passed down through various generations of copywriters.

Jon Morrow is an expert in crafting classic headlines into modern attention-grabbers, and to anyone searching for more at the end of this article, I highly recommend reviewing his work on the subject.
Here are three categories of the most effective headline styles available.
Learn them, use them, recycle and update them for your own personal use.

The “How To” Headline

How To Grow An Embarrassingly Large Readership

How To Launch A Million-Dollar Business

How To Earn 7 Figures By 2013

Millions of “how to” articles exist, but it’s never enough.
We crave instruction, whether we know it or not.
There’s a reason entire websites exist to teach people how to do something: when it’s put in front of us, suddenly we’re curious.

A “how to” title is your opportunity to learn something in five minutes or less.
Free education is highly valuable,and the opportunity for it never gets old.
The trick with the “How To” headline is to make a strong and clear promise, then deliver.

Bonus: Add a power word into your headline to make browsers think twice about skipping your article.

The “Be Afraid” Headline

Is Your Business Safe From Corporate Competition?

Warning: Your Blog May Be Under Attack

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Networking

News outlets use this religiously as a lead-in to bits about everything from gun safety to hair-salon hygiene.
While we’ve all rolled our eyes at a fearmongering headline, you also know you’ve clicked on articles offering a warning or the exposition of a hoax… just in case.
You want to know you’re safe, whether it’s related to physical health or professional well-being.

When your sense of danger is triggered even briefly, you imagine the worst possible scenario and feel obligated to learn more.
Better safe than sorry, after all.

The “Calm Down” Headline

The Zen of Online Marketing

Ten Ways To Simplify Your Work Load

3 Ways to Work Less, Produce More

We all worry we’re not doing enough. We all feel like we’re just trying to keep our head above water.
The “Calm Down” headline is a way to throw your reader a life jacket.

This type of headline signals “It’s OK.”  You’ve figured out how to ease that burden and you’re more than happy to share how.
Whenever you help someone simplify their lives, they’ll remember you and be forever grateful.

Don’t Stop There… Do the Research.

There are many more categories of headlines out there.
The domain of headline-writing has been filled to overflowing for decades, but these three types of headlines are a solid start to grab more attention for your blog.

Watch for articles that get the most retweets. Look at what makes the front page of Digg, or Reddit, or other social news aggregation sites.

Use Topsy to see what gets shared the most from top websites like Mashable or Huffington Post or any of your other favorite websites.

Watch for patterns to see what consistently does well, then write epic blog posts.

And before we wrap this up, I highly recommend that you download Jon Morrow’s Headline Hacks report, and read through every article in Copyblogger’s Magnetic Headline series.

Remember, it’s the headline that brings people in, and even huge sites like New York Times have room to improve.
You don’t have to get it perfect right away, but you do have to work on it.
The more work you put into your headlines, the better shot you have at getting crazy traffic.

Best Regards Henk

The Original & The Best Internet Marketing Seminars Worldwide

What Is World Internet Summit?

World Internet Summit is 4 days of easy-to-understand teaching on how to start and market your own internet business.

Even if you’re an absolute beginner, you can learn how to do it.

We’re bringing in the world’s best internet business experts to show you how they get ideas for what to sell online, how they get people to their websites and how they convert them into sales.
Meaning you'll know exactly how you can do it too. These LIVE lessons on stage are quick, simple and entertaining, even if you’ve never had an internet business before.
Which all means, that you’ll know how to get Started as soon as you leave the event!
You’ll discover the latest and greatest techniques ... including a ton of FREE strategies ... for:
· Video marketing
· Article marketing
· Social media like Twitter and Facebook
· Blogs
· Search engine optimisation (SEO)
· Paid traffic
· Joint ventures
· Traffic harvesting
· Affiliate marketing secrets, and more

Why start your own business?

Starting a business is a legitimate career choice for young people - find out what it takes

For some people the word entrepreneur automatically brings to mind Richard Branson and his ilk - those high flyers who set up and run more successful businesses than most of us could manage in several lifetimes. But actually an entrepreneur is anyone who chooses to go it alone and make the most of a business opportunity for themselves, no matter how big or small.
For more and more people this is becoming a legitimate career choice. Gone are the days when you had to have years of business experience under your belt before you might even consider taking the plunge with a start-up of your own: nowadays everybody's doing it. And if you're reading this, you've already taken your first steps to joining them.
Reasons for starting
People choose to become entrepreneurs for a variety of reasons. For some it will be an opportunity to escape their mundane nine-to-five existence and to commit their working lives to something which is a lot closer to their heart. For the 'lifestyle' entrepreneurs the important part of the deal is not how big their business ends up but the effect in has on their lives.

David Creswell, 27, of comics website falls into this category: "I don't care if I'm a comic geek, it's my hobby and I've turned that into a small business, I'm proud of the service we provide and our customers are also happy."
For others the motivation for starting up will come from spotting a gap in a market they know well. 'Ski Bums' Tim Slade and Jules Leaver spotted an opportunity for 'been there done that' t-shirts to sell to skiing holiday makers. Their high street chain Fat Face now turns over £25 million.

And for Dee Edwards, 29, the same sort of insight helped her to launch internet company Habbo Ltd. "I really believed internet businesses could be made successful by using technology to run a business effectively and leveraging the different way people were changing their communication," she says.
Whether it be t-shirts or technology, the world is littered with those who've been able to see a business opportunity others simply can't. In fact, a lack of business experience could well give you the kind of perspective that those with a blue-chip CV would struggle to attain. Nowhere is this better illustrated than by Lena Bjorck.

Arriving in the UK from Sweden with no qualifications, she landed a job as a kitchen porter, but quickly realised the country's service industry was just not up to scratch, so without a pound in her pocket, or even the most basic equipment, she quit. She now runs one of the country's most successful catering companies.
What qualities you need
Lena Bjorck's case also highlights the qualities you're going to need if you are going to choose to become an entrepreneur, of which one of the most important is passion. No matter how much potential your business might have for making money, unless you believe in it, how can you expect anyone else to? A bit of self-belief can go a very long way.
Hand-in-hand with passion comes commitment to the cause. From day one you'll need to work incredibly hard, often for-going friends and family to get your venture off the ground. You need to ask yourself whether you're prepared to make that kind of sacrifice and whether you can keep yourself motivated to put in those long, long hours. If you're the sort of person who's new year resolution lasts until January 2, you might want to think again whether you've got what it takes, particularly when things might not be going your way.
And, as you've probably realised, you'll be going through all of this on your own. While escaping the office might seem like paradise now you could soon be longing for a bit of mindless gossip and back-chat. You'll need to dig deep to find the kind of emotional resilience to keep you from losing the plot when there's no-one around to lend a helping hand.
So while you don't need qualifications on paper, not just anyone can become an entrepreneur. But if you think you've got what it takes then it could be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Make Money Online!!

Make Money Online / Internet Marketing

I am sure you have seen these headlines before.

Are you sick and tired of all the e-mails of "authentic" ways to make a quick buck online? My inbox is daily filled with e-mails which is promising the best money making system ever.

In the beginning I followed most of the links in the e-mails, I even bought some of the products. To be honest I have products in my "office" on the bookshelf collecting dust which is worth thousands.

I took a live changing decision not to buy anymore products until I have done my own research into this "Make Money Online / InternetMarketing" niche market.

I found a minefield, products that promise the world but deliver the rubbish dump. Fake testimonials, fake products, fake promises.

The only way I started to make money is after I went to a seminar that teaches me that no matter how good your product is, if you do not have traffic to that product, the product is nonexistent.

This why I have changed my focus to traffic generation and found that this so called Social Media Technologies is actually real. I have found mentors that actually showed me the correct way how to use Social Media the correct way. By the way this seminar cost me thousands, but it actually turned out to be worth its weight in Gold

Since I started to implement the strategies I never looked back again. For the first time since I started my Online Business I actually started to see results.

I want to show as many people as possible how to make a difference in their life's, all you have to do is firstly see what I can offer before you make a difference. Do not just believe what I am saying, look for yourself and make up your own mind. Do not just follow blindly

My best wishes for you.

#Henk Matthee

Success Takes More than Skill

Success Takes More than Skill


Two hamburger joints open back in ’67 … we’ll call one Bob’s Burger Shack. Great hamburgers! The other shop is McDonalds. The rest is history, yes?

Were Mickey D’s burgers really that much better than Bob’s? I mean, really … how hard is it to get a burger right?

Even Ray Croc himself admitted this to eager business school students he lectured in his lifetime. He’d ask them, ‘How many people in here can make a better hamburger than McDonalds?’ Everyone would raise their hand because everybody’s made a tasty burger before, at least tasty by their own standards.

But then he’d ask, ‘How many people make more money than McDonalds?’ Naturally, all hands dropped.

It’s a simple yet eloquent demonstration that it doesn’t matter whether you have a better idea, a better product, or a better service. In business, the only thing that matters is getting that product, idea, or service out to as many people as possible, and/or at as much profit as possible.

It’s the learning curve of the entrepreneur—amassing the skills necessary to take what you have to offer to a mass audience profitably, which anybody can learn how to do, but it also takes a nerve and determination that most people just don’t show when it comes to taking control of their financial future. That kind of moxie can be the rope that saves you instead of binds you in stagnation after a big failure.

Few people have the kind of moxie that Karl Eller has. He’s a legend in Arizona but a giant in business period. He started out in billboard advertising; was one of the founders of the NBA Phoenix Suns basketball team; president of Columbia Pictures at one point, which he helped merge into Coca-Cola—amazingly successful businessman.

But he had a major setback, to say the least. He built another company called Circle K—a kind of convenience store—into the second largest chain in the U.S. during the 80s. Under his leadership, the company grew from something like $750 million in sales to $3.4 billion!

Then the company filed bankruptcy in the 90s, due in part to just a bad turn in business. He was forced to leave with $100 million in personal debt! Can you imagine being $100 million in debt? Not your company … you, personally???

Instead of declaring bankruptcy, though, Eller dug himself out by going back into what he knew well: outdoor advertising. Eller built another media company and merged with Clear Channel Communications for a then-record $1.15 billion!

And he did this when most people are retiring.

His track record is elegant proof that the question isn’t what type of business you want to go into—or at least that’s not the essential question. You’re going to find your niche, and you’re going to be better at that particular field of interest than others—whether we’re talking about burgers or billboards.

The essence of success in business, I believe, is the intangible quality that means having integrity no matter what the situation—win or loss—not being afraid to take risks, and your ability to bounce back after tremendous setbacks.

Are You New To Internet Marketing? This Is The Place To Be

If you have ever wondered how to get into Internet marketing without all the Hype, this is the place to be, you must watch this video and follow this link

Understanding the Role of Social Media in Marketing

What the heck is social media and what role does it play in my marketing? This is probably a question I wouldn't have received two years ago, but yet today it's the most common question that enters my inbox.

First off, let's talk about what social media is. Social media represents low-cost tools that are used to combine technology and social interaction with the use of words. These tools are typically internet or mobile based. A few that you have probably heard of include Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube.

Social media gives marketers a voice and a way to communicate with peers, customers and potential consumers. It personalizes the "brand" and helps you to spread your message in a relaxed and conversational way.

The downfall to social media, if you could call it that is that it must be a part of your everyday life in order to keep the momentum and attention you need for it to be successful.

If you think that social media is only for the small business owners that are trying out an experiment, I have to correct you. Here are just a few companies that have become involved in social media:
Absolut Vodka - Online Video on YouTube and Using Facebook to house their Top Bartender fan page.

BMW - Utilizing Facebook to promote their 1-Series Road Trip and they have created a Rampenfest Page for fans.

Dunkin Donuts - That's right they've found value in social media and have set up a microblogging Twitter account.

Barack Obama - In my examples, I can't leave out future President Barack Obama. He has been seen as a leader in the use of Twitter during the Presidential Election. He has over 170,000 followers and is following over 165,000. Personally I remember the "twitter buzz" during the Presidential Debates as well as the election.

As you can see we have adult beverage companies, exotic automobile manufacturers, pastry shops and our future President using social media tool, it's not to hard to figure out that there is something to it.

What role should it play in your marketing? As most of you know my view of marketing is it's a tool we use to inform consumers about our products, who we are and what we offer. Social media does that. Here is how:
  • We can use social media to provide an identity to who we are and the products or services that we offer.
  • We can create relationships using social media with people who might not otherwise know about our products or service or what our companies represent.
  • Social media makes us "real" to consumers. If you want people to follow you don't just talk about the latest product news, but share your personality with them.
  • We can use social media to associate ourselves with our peers, that may be serving the same target market.
  • We can use social media to communicate and provide the interaction that consumers look for.
As you can see social media carries with it a lot of value, but how do you do it right?
  • You cannot just depend on social media, you must integrate it with other vehicles of marketing. While social media will create awareness, I'm not convinced that in the beginning it will sell a million dollars worth of product. That's not to say that one day once you've built up your social media "stardom" that it won't, but it probably won't happen tomorrow.
  • Be yourself, reflect personality. There are no written "right" or "wrong" rules when it comes to social media, only you can determine what will work for you.
  • Be consistent, if you do not plan on being consistent don't do it at all - it's a waste of everyone's time.
Success stories are abundant when it comes using social media from headhunters that find job applicants to new businesses that want to introduce a new product as well as already established Fortune 500 companies that want to strengthen their brand.

The role of social media in your marketing is to use it as a communication tool that makes you accessible to those interested in your product and makes you visible to those that don't know your product.

Use it as a tool that creates a personality behind your brand and creates relationships that you otherwise may never gain. This creates not only repeat-buyers, but customer loyalty. Fact is social media is so diversified that it can be used in whatever way best suits the interest and the needs of your business.

Narrow It Down


When it comes to generating the momentum of market presence, you want to cast the widest net possible that makes sense to your niche, and then be more discerning about who you’re spending time on later in the process.

The top producers, though, have learned to cast a smaller net that catches bigger fish. 
Chet Holmes, one of the top sales producers in the country today—the guy turns bad sales around in struggling companies unbelievably—said, “There’re always a smaller number of best buyers rather than all buyers.”

What the hell does that mean? It just means narrow down who you’re targeting to prospects that—although smaller in number—would bring in much more revenue than all the small fish combined. Linking with these big fish would not only save you time and energy, but could be great ways to affiliate, partner with, and otherwise make marketing and sales easier than fishing on your own.

You’re a real estate broker in your town. Who are you going to in order to start generating leads? Who are you targeting before you start sending out direct mail to every household in the town? Who, if you were famous among them, would drive so many referrals to you that you couldn’t even handle it all?

You’re looking for the most influential people who have access to the same types of prospects you want, and you’re pounding them relentlessly. That would be the people who live in the most expensive homes in your town. You make this a must in your marketing budget.

Pick the dream prospects! It’s the most cost effective method of building your business without spending a lot of money. 

These select people looking at your face in the mail once a month, every month may not need you now, but when they do, they know like clockwork that your flyer’s coming in the mail. Commission on one expensive house sold could more than make up for the marketing budget on that strategy. 

When it comes to high-end real estate in that area, you’d be at the top of those people’s minds, even when most of the time they weren’t thinking about you.

Even when we’re talking about in-store client relations, we still want to be narrowing down what we want out of each interaction, so it’s still a mindset of quality of interaction versus number of interactions. How could you get one customer to buy more than just the item they came it looking for? Or a number of more expensive items?

How can you make the first point of contact more interesting right from the first or second sentence or with the first thing you show them? How can you make it more attractive, more appealing, and more exciting?

Get clear on your objectives. Most people are not strategic. They don’t think like, ‘How many things do I want to accomplish with the buyer?’ It changes the whole quality of the interaction when you start thinking strategically.

The more narrow and focused your objectives, the more impact you will have right from the very beginning, and the quicker and faster you’ll grow with less effort. The biggest element is persistence, patience and commitment to really seeing this strategy through.

Money Is Made In Your Mind

What is the story that you attach to money?

Listen to your conversation when the subject of money is raised in your circle of influence.

Do you complain about the bills?

Do you whinge about the cost of living?

Do you constantly find yourself saying that you can’t afford it, or that it is too expensive?
Or are you discussing the next deal that you are involved in?

Are you focussing on the possibilities rather than the problems?

Are you unwinding the solutions rather than rehearsing the difficulties faced?

When you see someone driving by in their red Ferrari, what is the discussion going on in your mind?

‘He must be doing drugs. Honest people don’t drive vehicles like that.’
Or do you ask the question – ‘How can I meet that person and learn from them how they have made their money?’

Each of us have a story attached to money. Some are success stories and others are stories of disaster or missed opportunities.
May I suggest one thing?

It’s Time To Rewrite Your Money Story

What do you feel you can earn? Ten thousand dollars? One hundred thousand dollars? One million dollars? Ten million dollars? One hundred million dollars? A billion? In your lifetime? In ten years? Next year?

Why not?
Why not you?

What financial vehicle are you going to use to achieve this?

Your job? Just Off Broke? Not likely.

A business?




The Internet?

How soon do you want to see it manifested?

Now stop seeking the quick fix as so many are.

However, once you correct your psychology you will be amazed how quickly prosperity will appear before you.

Say today – ‘I will rewrite my story about money!’

But remember this that even though strategy is important, psychology and what you think about money is crucial.
Choose your story consciously. Don’t wait for life to catch your attention in the form of a feather, a brick or even a truck. Choose your story today, and once you have established your story – then it’s time to show up.

Today is the day to apply massive action.
Procrastination has no place in the life of the successful.
Every year your story needs to get better. So now is the time to begin.


What are you fearful of? Getting rich? Or becoming like those whom you have associated with in the past who were rich and who were not nice people?

Let’s get it straight.
There are poor people who are nice and there are poor people who are not so nice. The reverse is true. There are nice rich people and there are not so nice rich people.
Decide to be nice. Decide to be rich.
How will this happen?

Here are five important steps on the road to unbelievable wealth…

  1. Pursue new knowledge and tools. Yes it will require an investment that may max your credit card or empty your bank account. Pay the price.
  2. Apply new learning's. If what you have been doing in the past has not got you the rich results you want, then you need to learn something of a higher and better use.
  3. Get quality feedback and coaching. Attach yourself to a rich expert.
  4. Use spaced repetition. Do it again and again and again until you are an expert.
  5. Immerse yourself fully. Don’t attempt anything with a half hearted attitude. Massive action is required.
And remember this  - that success is 80% psychology.
Rich thinking is where it begins and ends. So think rich.