The Holy Grail For Figuring Out WHY you Aren’t Getting The Results You Say You Want

For people who are aware of themselves enough to know what they want, how to go about getting it is often another issue. They work hard…or maybe just tell themselves that…but in spite of effort…they lack results.

Problem is, most people just aren’t aware of the difference between those parts we habitually, reflexively act from and the higher Self that directs those parts toward what we really want.
People are acting and doing things all the time, but how many of us are acting consciously most of the time? Few do, but if you can do it even half of the time, you’re doing better than most.

Acting consciously is acting effectively. Not from what this part or that part of you says, but what You say. Ultimately it’s important to practice making decisions from your higher Self. You know what’s right in your heart.

How do you do this?
Like anything, it’s a practice. I’ve heard people say they hear their Voice more clear when running, or hiking, going for walks, prayer, meditation, in the shower, whatever suits you. The common denominator is breathing, though.

Take a space of time to concentrate on at least 10 deep breaths. Have a piece of paper or a journal ready. You’re going to write a letter to yourself about whatever topic you’re having a challenge with.
You might say, “Dear Heart, This is from your higher Self regarding the topic of (fill in the blank). Here’s what’s going on and what you need to do … ”
Then almost close your eyes and start to write. Don’t edit it. Write as quickly as you possibly can. Don’t think. Thinking will kill the message you’re getting. Trust is big here. You’re practicing trusting yourself.

We all get messages, some of us easier and some of us with a little more challenge, but we all get them.
When you’re conscious of your true Self, you’re going to find that the answer(s) is so freaking obvious. However, if it doesn’t appear so, it’s usually because there’re these parts of us that uses the mind to auto-react: “Yeah, but you don’t understand … There’s this, that … ” and back to that chatter that keeps people stuck and frustrated.

Compassionately acknowledge those parts, but assert your ability to ensure that things will be okay. Your higher Self will tell you what it is you want, why, and what you need to do to get there. Again, don’t edit, just write.
Somewhere in your journaling is your to-do list, actions that can be meaningful because you’re more in touch with what your higher Self is really calling for. Actions that come from clarity, not fear and self-loathing.

And when I say to-do list, not the picking-up-groceries, stopping-by-the-dry-cleaners-kind of list, but steps that come from having a clear direction; steps that are bite-sized and achievable; and most importantly, actions that excite you!

Do you need to make some phone calls or send emails to people who have the information you need? Do you need to set up some meetings? Sign up for a course? Do some research? Write your bio? Create a marketing plan?

Whatever your items, prioritize them. The bigger-ticket items get those smaller, bite-sized actions that don’t overwhelm you yet keep you moving forward. This system allows you to win and succeed. You will work smarter and better, and you will get through more things.

Sounds so simple and obvious, yet it never ceases to amaze me how many people I teach, frustrated by a lack of results, don’t prioritize their actions according to what they say they want.
To compound the problem, those desires often come from parts that are fearful, hurt, sad, angry, whatever the case may be, and it causes them to act from that place with predictable results.
When you are constantly not doing what you said you were going to do, you feel like a failure. You feel out of integrity. No wonder you don’t want to take on more things. It’s crazy. Who would want to?

But that’s usually because we’re not being clear or honest about what it is we really want, or because we’re letting our parts take over.
You know you’re acting and being from your higher Self when you’re calm, confident, creative, courageous, and clear.

Regardless of the action, what we do may or may not have the impact we’re looking for…when we’re not acting consciously from grounded awareness. This is why what we consider meditation is so universal across time and cultures. When you’re confident, you’ll start believing in the very real magic of it all.

Create that space for yourself and let that higher voice do what it wants to do…help you succeed!